
Spring has finally hit Seattle!  To celebrate the girls and I went out for a little exploring at the nearby park.  Such a beautiful day, I wish we could have stayed out longer.  Oh well - forecast calls for SUN!!!

Kids Were Here

So I stumbled upon a wonderful blog not too long ago.  It's called "Kids Were Here."  It's a group of photographers who have come together and post images of spaces where their kids were, the little messes they've left behind.  No kids can be in the photos.  I love it.

As a mom of two little ones there are constantly small little messes being created around our house.  A few years ago they kind of bothered me, but I've gotten used to them.  Now, I can even appreciate them a bit, for in a few years, the little toys will be gone and will be replaced with something entirely different.  This little project has reminded me to stop, look around and even appreciate the little things my kids do as they are learning this world.

These curls // Lifestyle Photography

This little girl...and her curls.  Couldn't be any more adorable.  And active.  She was so active.  I've never seen a little 2 year old climb like she does.  My 2 year old barely likes to even climb up on the couch, so watching her climb in and out of her crib was hysterical.  It reminded me of my oldest.

But anyway, in typical Seattle fashion we were rained out so we went indoors.  And I'm glad we did.  Her mama, an old friend of mine, is preggers with number 2 and I can't wait to see what they have!  They aren't going to find out until baby is born, and you can guarantee I'm gonna be there with my camera!

Life // Not Always Pretty

This is what my life looks like on any given weekday.  Unmade bed, about 3 loads of laundry, two kids who desperately need a bath.  It's not always pretty, but I love it.  And I want to remember it.  These days will be gone sooner than I think and I won't have little kids who need me to bathe them.  They'll be grown much faster than I want.  Here's to soaking it all in, including the mess.

What to wear?

So...You're thinking you might want to do a photo session with your family this spring. But what do you wear? There are so many cute options out there right now, the possibilities are endless!
Here are a few tips:
1. Start with the hardest person to dress then on to the easiest.
2. Incorporate color, but not too much. Have a couple of main colors, then a fun accent to mix it up.
3. Layers! They always look great in photos and add such amazing texture.
4. Most importantly, be comfortable! If you feel uncomfortable, that will always translate into your photos, so dress for comfort.

Here's an idea:

If you love any of these, good news....they are actually in stores right now!
Where to buy:
Mom // bangleskirtblouseshoe
Dad // shirtpant
Girl // sweatertoppantshoe
Boy // shirtpantshoe
Hope you found this helpful and inspirational!

A Dear Old Friend: Moses Lake Lifestyle Photographer

This girl.  And her daughter.  They are near and dear to my heart.  I've known Kristin since I was probably 5 or 6...and we've been buddies ever since.  We grew up together through elementary school, camp fire, summer camp, high school and college.  She was in my wedding and I was in hers.  Even though we don't live near each other or even talk every day, whenever I see her and her family it brings me back to a place of comfort.  I was so lucky to get to spend a couple hours with her and her daughter on Easter while I was home visiting my family.  Her hubby was at work so unfortunately he's not in any of these photos, but we'll make sure it happens next time.  (Kristin, can I just say I L O V E your daughter - seriously, she makes me melt.)